Frequently Asked Questions
Select a Category
- Payment
- Order Information
- QQ Email Issue
- Returns & Exchanges
- Package Delivery
- Product Information
- Promotions
- Gift Cards
- KOODING Rewards
- Cancellations & Changes
- Shipping Options
- International
+ How can I pay?
+ Why did I get charged even if the transaction failed?
+ Why do I see different amount billed in my account instead of the total amount at checkout (currency conversion)?
Order Information
+ How can I check my order status?
+ How can I track the shipment of my package?
+ I can't track my package.
+ I don't see the products that I saw in the original brand's page, is there a way to order them?
+ Why has my ordered item been stocked out?
+ Why is my ordered package at the customs?
QQ.com Domain Email Issue
+ QQ.com is known to block all international emails sent from outside of China.
Returns & Exchanges
+ How can I exchange a product?
+ How can I return a product?
+ How long will it take to process the return of a product?
+ How long do I have to return my items for a refund?
Package Delivery
+ What if no one is at home?
+ What if package is lost?
Product Information
+ What size should I order?
+ What is a "One Size"?
+ Can I combine promotions (coupons)?
+ Do you offer price adjustments for orders prior a promotion?
Gift Cards
+ Can I combine Gift Cards?
+ What is KOODING Rewards?
+ Where can I check KOODING Rewards balance?
+ How do I use KOODING Rewards?
Cancellations & Changes
+ Can I make any changes to my order or cancel my order after it has been placed?
+ Why do I have multiple charges in my bank account/credit card?
+ Why was my order cancelled?
Shipping Options
+ What are my shipment options?
+ When can I expect my order?
+ Can I ship my order to an International address?